Programming Archive

xPath Processing for XML documents using Java

As defined earlier, XPath is a language for finding and searching information in an XML document using Path Expressions which is similar to the file system syntax. [info]To practice more about xPath, you can visit this page[/info] 1 If you can using Eclipse or other IDE, you may create a new project. ...Read More

Making Connection to Oracle Database System with Java

[info]You may need to Java and Eclipse Configured and Installed. If not please click here for instructions to install the JDK and download Eclipse[/info] [info] If you don’t have Oracle XE installed, Follow this tutorial for how to Get started to learn Oracle[/info] Oracle Database Creation 1 Open your Apex for Oracle: ...Read More

Java Programming : Creating a Phonebook using a simple CSV file

[info] You to have Java and Eclipse Configured and Installed. If not please install the JDK and download Eclipse[/info] In this tutorial, we will create a simple phonebook system using a text file. This is without accessing or using any advanced database management system like Access, MySQL or Oracle. The program will ...Read More