Oracle Archive

Main Features and Advantages Object-Relational Database systems ( ORDBMS )

An object-relational database is a database management system similar to a relational database, but with an object-oriented database model: objects, classes and inheritance are directly supported in database schemas as well as within the query language. The popular RDBMS on the market today is Oracle. For the main features of Object-relational database ...Read More

Making Connection to Oracle Database System with Java

[info]You may need to Java and Eclipse Configured and Installed. If not please click here for instructions to install the JDK and download Eclipse[/info] [info] If you don’t have Oracle XE installed, Follow this tutorial for how to Get started to learn Oracle[/info] Oracle Database Creation 1 Open your Apex for Oracle: ...Read More

Oracle : Type/Object Creation, Inheritance and Method Implementation with Examples

In this tutorial, we will try to go through a problem for modelling a system for storing polygon objects which have their own methods for computing the area or perimeter. The objects that we should have are : Point ( x , y ) Side ( Point, Point ) Polygon ( Sides) ...Read More

Tutorial for how to Get started to learn Oracle

Oracle is an object-relational database management system. It allows users to create, maintain, modify, and even erase any and all data and objects within an existing database. 1 You need to download the Oracle XE (Express Edition) to quickly get started with it. [info]Click here to download the Oracle XE Edition[/info] [success] ...Read More